Pooja Singh Thakuri Rai, 17, of Saune - Sunsari is dead. Pooja's father, Gaj Bahadur Singh Thakuri, blames Pooja's mother-in-law, Harkamaya Rai, for killing Pooja. Pooja's husband, Rumihang, blames Pooja's father Gaj Bahadur for contributing to Pooja's death. Harkamaya blames the hospitals for killing Pooja. Ranju Yadav, one of Pooja's best friends, thinks Pooja invited disaster because she was, at heart, an unhappy and lonely young woman. Who is really responsible for Pooja's death? How does Pooja died? The film Pooja is an attempt on exploring the answer, why does hundreds of mother dying every year? This is story about one of life's biggest and riskiest endeavors: giving birth to a baby - being told from three different points of views. All improvised acting with no scripted dialogues! A BBC World Service Trust Nepal's presentation, Pooja is produced with financial assistance of European Union.::Deepak Rauniyar